Reclaiming a Legacy of Health and Wellness for Women in Every Part of the World.
Tackling the fundamental health disparities in prevention, treatment, and outcomes to empower women to lead vibrant, fulfilling lives.
Advocacy is our mission.
Matriiarch is a passionate champion for Global Women's Health Rights
Global Collaborative Humanitarian Aid Initiatives
As part of individual well-being, menstrual health management has broader implications for education and gender equality. In many parts of the world, inadequate menstrual hygiene management can lead to absenteeism and dropout rates among girls in schools. Providing access to menstrual products and creating supportive environments for menstruating individuals helps break down barriers to education and empowers women and girls to pursue their academic goals.We partner on ways to address Menstrual Health Management Solutions to disparate areas and regions of conflict in Haiti and

Advocacy and Engagement on Women's Issues
Advocating for women's issues is essential for fostering a just and inclusive society. Women's issues encompass a wide range of concerns. Here are a few women's issues we advocate for
Maternal Health
Interpersonal Violence Intervention
Mental Health
Reproductive Health
Environmental Health
Health Care Literacy
Healthcare literacy is crucial for individuals to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. It goes beyond the ability to read medical instructions; healthcare literacy involves understanding complex medical information, navigating the healthcare system, and actively participating in one's own care. In a world where medical information is abundant and constantly evolving, healthcare literacy empowers individuals to advocate for their health, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more informed society.

Matriiarch is an incubator for equity, integrity and innovation in humanitarian and justice efforts for the health and well-being of Black women. By strategically connecting brands, and organizations to advocacy and collaborative networks, we direct innovative systemic change , while providing opportunities to shape equitable and effective outcomes.