“We are all gifted. That is our inheritance.” – Ethel Waters
College Scholarship Award
Transition to Freshman Year of College is one of the most memorable milestones of a young woman's life. Navigating that new territory is exciting, but it can also be difficult without someone to walk alongside you. Incoming freshman need support for application fees, lab fees, dorm room supplies. These are things that can discourage an under-resourced high school student from moving forward in her college endeavors.
Each year, HER Impact will award 4 high school juniors, selected through a nomination process the "Freshman Year Transition" Scholarship Award. This is a concierge scholarship that will walk them through transitioning into and through their first year of college.
Send your intent to nominate a student by August 30th of their junior year of high school for the chance to be selected! Check out the Scholarship Rules for more information, or you can also DONATE on the home page.
The “Press Play Conference” impacted me and helped me see how girls can be part of the gaming industry. The conference was not only to encourage girls to play games but to be part of the game making process. I finally decided that the best I can do is to educate other females of all the opportunities that are just lying there and waiting for them to take it.
-Yuviana 2019-2020 FYT Recipient